
..dear peeks..
..nape ek sy mengaitkan diri sy gn chipsmore??..
..cer teka cer teka cer teka..
..huhuhuhu duhhh!!!..
..xde maknenye nk teka2 kn..
..ape la saya neh..
..okeh2,straight to the point jela..
..sy mengaitkan diri sy gn chipsmore adalah kerana...
*erk,btol ke ayat neh..xleh blah btol,haha*
..sambung balek,ske tol melencong
..haip2,nk kena pok2 neh..
..kerana sy slalu xhapdet dan meninggalkan blog sy t'kapai-kapai seorg diri..
..haish jahatnye saya..
..erk,pape jelah..
..bkn sy xmo hapdet,tp sy malas je nk hapdet..
..erk,rsnye malas is not the right word kot..
..hurrmmm,bkn malas tp xbape nk rajin je..
*dushhh..tumbuk kt muka budak neh..malas n xbpe nk rajin..lebey kurang jeeeee*
..huhhu iye2..
..sy mengaku sy mmg malas sgt nk hapdet blog..
the truth is,sy ske baca blog org tp sy xske hapdet blog sendiri..
..kenapa??kerana da mmg sy malas..
..apo den nk buek lg kn..
..sy bukak kt 'new post' kononnye nk hapdet blog la kn..
..tp br je tulis title *sometimes title pon xtaw nk tulis ape..kehkeh* sy erase blk title tu..
..sbbnye sy mmg seorg yg PEMALAS..
..that is the reason why i rarely updated my blog..
..it was a good reason kn..
..haih kena rotan byk2 ini budak kasik buang setan dalam itu badan..haha..
..hoho maaf maaf maaf..
tp tu bkn satu-satunye reason why i didnt update my blog..
..reason laen sbb sy tgh bz skg..
..yeah,im a very-very bz woman now..
..yela kn,since da msok third year and of coz la my final year kt usm now *sob2..sedey wooohh..tears*
..and after ive received the title for my final year project or in a short word, FYP la der..hehe
..sy suda menjadi seorg yg amat bz for the whole semester an oso for the next semester..
..abes punah harapan dan impian sy nk b'gumbira di tahun terakhir..
*huuu..dun u ever dare to dream dat la budak*
..mn xnye,life sy hanya kt lab je skg..
..everyday,from morning till evening,sometimes m'larat2 sampai ke malam..
..asyik dok t'congok kt lab je..
..then ble blk malam,after ciap solat isyak sume sy da mula dok t'congok2 depan lappy sbb nk kena study journal..
..kalau x studi kang nnt GA sy (which means someone yg co-supervise sy) marah woohhh..
..GA sy garang kot,n of coz la sgt strict..
..n for ur information,becuz of FYP sy xdpt cuti ..
..huuu sedey woohh..
..hari tu time cuti deepavali for a week,kwn2 sy sume balek kelantan..
..sy sorg je dok t'congok2 kt usm..
..luckily Najibah is here for accomponying me..*thx dear..muahh*
..act,die pon mangsa incek FYP jgk..
..pagi ptg asyik dok tangkap burung je untuk FYP die..
..xpela,demi keje2 yg telah di 'assigned' kn, ktorg rela berkorban..
..ceh gitu..nk muntah lak sy dengar..
..okeh,back to the story..
..where am i act..
..hahahah lupa suda..
..okeh2 da ingat blk da..
..btw time cuti raya haji hari tu pon sy blk kejap je..
..da la blk last day before raya haji..
..sumenye pasl nk kena g sampling kt mangrove site..
..sy da ciap2 beli tiket balek kelantan on 4/11 pg kot..
..but last minute my GA suh g sampling pulak..
..so terpaksa la sy jual balek tiket tuwh..
act bkn sbb sampling jgk..
ni test pathogen punye psl on friday morning..
..which mean on the same day sy akan berangkat kt kelantan..
..tiket sy kol 9pagi,but my test at 11..
..so mmg xsempat la..
..my lovey dovey lecturer ckp,NO REPEAT TEST for those yg xhadir..
..and she doesnt want to hear any excuses like 'i da beli tiket awal2 la puan'..
..and she will strictly said,zero for u my dear..
..and becuz of dat la my GA tiba2 plan nk buat sampling..
..at first die suh sy jgn balek cuz he said there's alots of work waiting for me after my sampling processes..
..but i told him my dad will fetch me and my sist ere..
..so nk xnk die terpaksa ah merelakan ke 'balek' kn sy utk berhari raya..
..huhuhu worsenye la bm sy..
..broken bm ,day ny day makin terer r pulak..
.hehehhehe mana xnye,last sy amek subjek bm pon ms 1st year,1st sem..
..msok next sem mmg hareeem r nk sentuh buku bm lg..
..hohoho 'worse'nye sy..
..btw,sy wt tajuk psl bacteria yg produce PHA kt mangrove ecosystem..
..so sape2 yg ad maklumat or penah terbuat tajuk neh,tolong la bg info ape2 kt sy ye..
..heheheh semmmpatttt~~..
tgh timba air..hoho |
siyes kusyuk time neh..xbohong oohhh.. |
ini hanyalah lakonan semata-mata |
ni ad owg curik2 amek gambar okeh..haha |
..k la..
..time to pen off nw..
menarik betul la kamu ni tuan tanah.. ada jer idea mengarang....